Thursday, June 24, 2010

Comic Book Characters

We're back! We're quasi-geeks here at Top 5, and we're okay with that. Here's our Top 5 comic book characters, both the superheroes and the villians.

Guest starring Scott.

There's only four of you, so no, you don't make the list.

Friday, June 11, 2010

USA vs England

The World Cup Starts today, and tomorrow the US takes on England in it's biggest game since... last year. There will be a lot of people who don't know much about soccer watching, so we feel it's our patriotic duty (even for Wes, who's Canadian by birth) to give you a primer. So here are the Top 5 things we'd like to see happen in the US/England World Cup match tomorrow.

We asked Tim Howard for his input, but he's still thinking about it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guitar Solos

The guitar is the backbone of rock. The marrow that runs through it is the guitar solo.

Here are our favorite solos. Favorite being the key word. Don't like it? Leave us your own.

Eruption isn't on here. Sue us.