It's also his dog Aimoth's birthday. Seriously. |
Top 5 List
The guys from High Fidelity have nothing on us
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Badass Things From Scotland
Today is our favorite Scotsman's birthday. Happy birthday Tim! In honor of Tim, here's the 5 Most Badass Things Scotland Gave Us. Because if it's not Scottish, it's crap!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Bad Ass Enforcer Nicknames
New York Rangers tough guy Derek Boogaard was found dead in his apartment over the weekend. In addition to being a really good fighter, he had a pretty cool if obvious nickname: The Boogey Man. In honor of him, here's the Top 5 nicknames for NHL fighters. Talent and nickname are taken into consideration. So sorry Marty McSorely and Tie Domi, you're not on this list. Neither are you Craig "Chief" Berube. And while Peter Worrell once told the police he was Andreas Lilja, that doesn't qualify as a nickname. (Click on their names to see why that ruse didn't work with the cops.)
George Parros' mustache is just too cool to not put on here. |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
We felt the need to add the flying RV from Spaceballs on here.
Not because we like the movie (we do), but because we're from Georgia.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Manliest Super Bowl Performances
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Yeah, it's Trent Dilfer. So what? Holding up the Lombardi Trophy with a busted hand is what this list is all about. |
Monday, December 6, 2010
Badass Teachers
When you were a kid, did you ever wonder what your teachers did outside of the classroom? There's no way it was as cool as what these guys did in their spare time.
We're sure he wasn't an auctioneer.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Fictional Characters We Hate
There are fictional characters we hate because we're supposed to and the actor does a fantastic job, like Michael Chiklis in The Shield or Ben Linus from Lost. Then there are characters that ruin movies for us. This list is about them.
Really, Jar Jar Binks is #1, but you knew that already.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Bad Ass Politicians
We don't do politics here at Top 5, it just gets messy. Dave (liberal) and Tim (conservative) are on opposite ends of the spectrum and disagree on many political topics. But today is Election Day, so we'd be remiss to not do something to honor that. I was going to do a Top 5 Bat Shit Crazy Politicians list, but it's not easy to do that and keep the actual politics out of it. Also, that's not really our style. So here's our Top 5 Bad Ass Politicians.
5. The Cast of Predator
Their platform: looser gun control laws.
Arnold Schwartzenegger is of course the Governor of California. Jessie Ventura was the governor of Minnesota. Sonny Landam ran for Governor of Kentucky. Shit, let's just vote them all in. They can personally train their National Guards. Considering they razed an acre of jungle with machine guns, we're guessing they would not campaign on the environment.
4. John McCain
McCain's THAC0 was off the charts.
Shot down over Hanoi, McCain broke both arms and a leg. The NVA troops who found him thought beating him with a rifle would hurt him. Please. Losing 50 pounds as he "recovered" in a hospital, his hair turned permanently white. At one point he was put in a cell with 2 other POWs who did not expect him to live more than a week. He is unable to lift his arms above his shoulders from the injuries suffered from torture. To simply survive such an ordeal is an amazing accomplishment. When his father was appointed commander of all US forces in Vietnam, the North Vietmanese let him go so that Admiral McCain would not wipe their nation off the map. John McCain however refused to be released. That's right, just when the NVA was done with McCain, McCain said he was not done with them. John McCain did not need Rambo.
3. Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson is literally money.
Jackson fought 13 duels over his wife's honor. Ah, the good ol' days. In 1806 he faced Charles Dickinson, who had 26 kills to his credit. Clearly he was not a man to be fucked with. Jackson didn't care. He challenged Dickinson, which in dueling etiquette meant Dickinson got to fire first. Got to fire first. These weren't the kind of duels we think of. Dickinson hit Jackson but did not kill him, Jackson in turn killed Dikinson--but after his first shot did not fire and Jackson reloaded, an apparent breach of etiquette in dueling. But Jackson doesn't care for dueling rules. Due to poor medical technology and the fact that Andrew Jackson is a bad ass, the bullet Jackson was hit with remained inside him for the rest of his life. As President he survived an assassination attempt when both of the would-be assassin's guns misfired, Jackson beat the assailant with his cane. That both guns misfired was of course highly curious, so they were tested and both were found to be in perfect working order. We can only conclude that Jackson was able to strike fear into guns.
2. Harry Truman
Odds are Thomas Dewey built the best bomb shelter you ever saw.
Truman: "Hey Japan, surrender."
Japan: "No way, no how."
Truman: "Well then, fuck you."

Truman: "Give up yet? Or do you want another?"
Japan: "Bullshit. We're calling your bluff."
Truman: "Okie dokie."

Japan: "Fuck us. You win."
1. Teddy Roosevelt
Walk softly and carry a big stick. And an even bigger mustache.
Of course. Created the famous Rough Riders, which was a band of Ivy Leaguers and cowboys riding around on horses killing people. In their most famous outing, the Battle of San Juan Hill, the Rough Riders charged the hill sans horses. It doesn't get much manlier than that. After being President, he decided he'd like to settle down and... hunt big game in Africa for the Smithsonian. He and his men killed or captured over 11,000 animals. A few hundred of them were for the purposes of eating. Once he was shot in the chest, but being an expert hunter he knew that since he wasn't coughing up blood he was okay, so he declined medical attention and proceed to give a 90 minute speech that began with "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot." He enjoyed boxing, and would regularly spar as President. He stopped when his retina was detached from his eye, so he replaced boxing with judo. He also enjoyed the martial art singlestick, which is essentially two guys hitting each other with a stick. In the dead of winter he would skinny dip in the Potomac. As President he created The Great White Fleet, a 16 ship fleet that traveled the world to show off American military might. That we were never attacked while Teddy was President is proof that it worked. Four years after leaving office, he created a new party, ran again beat the incumbent President. What's not to love.
*Nobody ever gets that reference.
Al Haig is control of this list!*
5. The Cast of Predator
Their platform: looser gun control laws.
Arnold Schwartzenegger is of course the Governor of California. Jessie Ventura was the governor of Minnesota. Sonny Landam ran for Governor of Kentucky. Shit, let's just vote them all in. They can personally train their National Guards. Considering they razed an acre of jungle with machine guns, we're guessing they would not campaign on the environment.
4. John McCain

McCain's THAC0 was off the charts.
Shot down over Hanoi, McCain broke both arms and a leg. The NVA troops who found him thought beating him with a rifle would hurt him. Please. Losing 50 pounds as he "recovered" in a hospital, his hair turned permanently white. At one point he was put in a cell with 2 other POWs who did not expect him to live more than a week. He is unable to lift his arms above his shoulders from the injuries suffered from torture. To simply survive such an ordeal is an amazing accomplishment. When his father was appointed commander of all US forces in Vietnam, the North Vietmanese let him go so that Admiral McCain would not wipe their nation off the map. John McCain however refused to be released. That's right, just when the NVA was done with McCain, McCain said he was not done with them. John McCain did not need Rambo.
3. Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson is literally money.
Jackson fought 13 duels over his wife's honor. Ah, the good ol' days. In 1806 he faced Charles Dickinson, who had 26 kills to his credit. Clearly he was not a man to be fucked with. Jackson didn't care. He challenged Dickinson, which in dueling etiquette meant Dickinson got to fire first. Got to fire first. These weren't the kind of duels we think of. Dickinson hit Jackson but did not kill him, Jackson in turn killed Dikinson--but after his first shot did not fire and Jackson reloaded, an apparent breach of etiquette in dueling. But Jackson doesn't care for dueling rules. Due to poor medical technology and the fact that Andrew Jackson is a bad ass, the bullet Jackson was hit with remained inside him for the rest of his life. As President he survived an assassination attempt when both of the would-be assassin's guns misfired, Jackson beat the assailant with his cane. That both guns misfired was of course highly curious, so they were tested and both were found to be in perfect working order. We can only conclude that Jackson was able to strike fear into guns.
2. Harry Truman

Odds are Thomas Dewey built the best bomb shelter you ever saw.
Truman: "Hey Japan, surrender."
Japan: "No way, no how."
Truman: "Well then, fuck you."

Truman: "Give up yet? Or do you want another?"
Japan: "Bullshit. We're calling your bluff."
Truman: "Okie dokie."

Japan: "Fuck us. You win."
1. Teddy Roosevelt

Walk softly and carry a big stick. And an even bigger mustache.
Of course. Created the famous Rough Riders, which was a band of Ivy Leaguers and cowboys riding around on horses killing people. In their most famous outing, the Battle of San Juan Hill, the Rough Riders charged the hill sans horses. It doesn't get much manlier than that. After being President, he decided he'd like to settle down and... hunt big game in Africa for the Smithsonian. He and his men killed or captured over 11,000 animals. A few hundred of them were for the purposes of eating. Once he was shot in the chest, but being an expert hunter he knew that since he wasn't coughing up blood he was okay, so he declined medical attention and proceed to give a 90 minute speech that began with "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot." He enjoyed boxing, and would regularly spar as President. He stopped when his retina was detached from his eye, so he replaced boxing with judo. He also enjoyed the martial art singlestick, which is essentially two guys hitting each other with a stick. In the dead of winter he would skinny dip in the Potomac. As President he created The Great White Fleet, a 16 ship fleet that traveled the world to show off American military might. That we were never attacked while Teddy was President is proof that it worked. Four years after leaving office, he created a new party, ran again beat the incumbent President. What's not to love.
*Nobody ever gets that reference.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Things We Love About Wes
So, some back story to this site. A while back there was one of those 6 week Facebook fads where everyone and their mother compiled their own Top 5 List. Top 5 pro wrestlers, Top 5 sports teams you hate, that kind of thing. One day at work we were having a very slow day and to pass the time Tim suggested that he, Dave and Wes do their own Top 5 lists. It was a little exercise to kill time and get to know each other a little better. We'd come back to this when it got slow, and then one day Dave had the bright idea to make a website out of it, and so here we are. Along the way we've had some guest stars when other co-workers were scheduled with us, but for the most part it's just been the usual trio. But now we are sad to announce that Wes is no longer with us.* In his honor, here are our Top 5 Things We Love About Wes.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sci Fi Movies
As you probably already can tell, we are geeks. We're not live-in-our-mother's basement dweebs or Trekkies, we just like a really good sci fi show or movies. So here's our Top 5 Sci Fi movies. Let's get to it...
You're not cutting it E.T., but we do like that you're an alcoholic.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
People We'd Like To See Stuck In A Chilean Mine
The world needs heroes. This week, the world got a look at 33 brave souls who endured unimaginable conditions to survive a horrific mine collapse in Chile. They survived for the first 17 days on a sip of milk and two bites of tuna... every 48 hours. It was unbearably hot and humid and the air was disgusting. And no one had any idea they if were alive during that time. They all survived, they all made it. (Side note: some of the survivors from the rugby team who's plane crashed and was the basis of the movie Alive were there to talk to the miners for support. That strikes us as a terrible idea. "If you get hungry, just eat Fred" is not the advice we want them to give.) With that in mind, here's our top five people we'd like to see trapped in a mine. We're in no rush to save them.
We'd stick him far underground, but he'd be right at home.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Characters We Don't Want To See In Star Wars 3D
We've been away for a while. Boo fucking hoo.
It was recently announced that Star Wars will be re-released in 3D. The Battle of Yavin, light sabre fights, the asteroid field in Empire Strikes Back... all could be really cool in 3D. We're looking forward to it. What we're not looking forward to is seeing these 5 characters popping out of our screen.
1. Jar Jar Binks
Because he's fucking Jar Jar Binks.
2. That Guy Who Cried When the Rancor Died

He's fat, ugly and topless. He dresses terribly, and is probably covered in sweat. You could cut this guy out of the script and lose nothing. But George Lucas will spend $25 million on making his muffin top and cape he inexplicably wears on his head flop around right in your face. In fairness, he should be credited with setting the grunge trends of wearing a long sleeve shirt wrapped around your waist, and not showering.
3. Lando's Co-Pilot

Yes, I know these characters have names. If you know their names without looking them up, you need to go outside and enjoy nature. Right now. Don't be scared, you might like it.
Some people have double chins, Lando's co-pilot has double cheeks. He looks like Dumb Donald from Fat Albert, and sounds like Mushmouth. Come to think of it, they outta sue George Lucas. Not for stealing their characters, but for making them into something so terrible.
(I just noticed that the photo I used is autographed. Let us all take a moment to reflect on the fact that someone's life got one step closer to fulfillment because they got a picture of this guy autographed.)
4. Young Boba Fett

There will be enough bratty kids already in the theater, and they'll probably be kicking you from behind or sitting next to you kicking you in the leg or spilling popcorn on you. And now you'll have one popping out of the screen in front you. Unlike that little squirt in the next row, he won't be whining for a friggin' Butterfinger. No, he'll just be whining for the hell of it. His one saving grace is that you'll get to see him hold his dad's detached head in his hands as he weeps, realizing that for the first time in his life he'll have to go out and work for something. No longer will he have anything just given to him, except for Jango Fett's head.
5. Watto

He's obviously disgusting and a creep. And having his one tooth stick out at you would be pretty bad. Then there's the added bonus of there's flies that surround his near dead carcass in Attack of the Clones. But even worse is that about the time you see Watto, the saddening realization that you have paid money to see Attack of the Clones again will have sunk in, and by then it's too late.
It was recently announced that Star Wars will be re-released in 3D. The Battle of Yavin, light sabre fights, the asteroid field in Empire Strikes Back... all could be really cool in 3D. We're looking forward to it. What we're not looking forward to is seeing these 5 characters popping out of our screen.
1. Jar Jar Binks
Because he's fucking Jar Jar Binks.
2. That Guy Who Cried When the Rancor Died

He's fat, ugly and topless. He dresses terribly, and is probably covered in sweat. You could cut this guy out of the script and lose nothing. But George Lucas will spend $25 million on making his muffin top and cape he inexplicably wears on his head flop around right in your face. In fairness, he should be credited with setting the grunge trends of wearing a long sleeve shirt wrapped around your waist, and not showering.
3. Lando's Co-Pilot

Yes, I know these characters have names. If you know their names without looking them up, you need to go outside and enjoy nature. Right now. Don't be scared, you might like it.
Some people have double chins, Lando's co-pilot has double cheeks. He looks like Dumb Donald from Fat Albert, and sounds like Mushmouth. Come to think of it, they outta sue George Lucas. Not for stealing their characters, but for making them into something so terrible.
(I just noticed that the photo I used is autographed. Let us all take a moment to reflect on the fact that someone's life got one step closer to fulfillment because they got a picture of this guy autographed.)
4. Young Boba Fett

There will be enough bratty kids already in the theater, and they'll probably be kicking you from behind or sitting next to you kicking you in the leg or spilling popcorn on you. And now you'll have one popping out of the screen in front you. Unlike that little squirt in the next row, he won't be whining for a friggin' Butterfinger. No, he'll just be whining for the hell of it. His one saving grace is that you'll get to see him hold his dad's detached head in his hands as he weeps, realizing that for the first time in his life he'll have to go out and work for something. No longer will he have anything just given to him, except for Jango Fett's head.
5. Watto

He's obviously disgusting and a creep. And having his one tooth stick out at you would be pretty bad. Then there's the added bonus of there's flies that surround his near dead carcass in Attack of the Clones. But even worse is that about the time you see Watto, the saddening realization that you have paid money to see Attack of the Clones again will have sunk in, and by then it's too late.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Post-Apocalyptic Movies
Here at Top 5, we're ready for the apocalypse. Heck, we even warned you about the zombie apocalypse a while back. So it's time we looked at our favorite post-apocalyptic movies.
Christian Bale is going to slice all our faces off for not putting Equilibrium on this list.
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